Request deletion for a record
Request deletion for a record. This method does not delete the record from the HCGateway database. This method is only used to request deletion of a record from your local Health Connect store. The app will delete it from the database using the sync method once it has deleted the record(s) locally.
Path parameters
Can be one of the following: activeCaloriesBurned, basalBodyTemperature, basalMetabolicRate, bloodGlucose, bloodPressure, bodyFat, bodyTemperature, boneMass, cervicalMucus, distance, exerciseSession, elevationGained, floorsClimbed, heartRate, height, hydration, leanBodyMass, menstruationFlow, menstruationPeriod, nutrition, ovulationTest, oxygenSaturation, power, respiratoryRate, restingHeartRate, sleepSession, speed, steps, stepsCadence, totalCaloriesBurned, vo2Max, weight, wheelchairPushes
curl \
--request DELETE{method} \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"uuid":["string"]}'
"uuid": [
"success": true,
"message": "string"