Insert data into your local Health Connect store
Insert data into your local Health Connect store. This method does not add the data to the HCGateway database. This method is only used to push data to your local Health Connect store. This is so you can sync + fetch to verify the record has been added.
Path parameters
Can be one of the following: activeCaloriesBurned, basalBodyTemperature, basalMetabolicRate, bloodGlucose, bloodPressure, bodyFat, bodyTemperature, boneMass, cervicalMucus, distance, exerciseSession, elevationGained, floorsClimbed, heartRate, height, hydration, leanBodyMass, menstruationFlow, menstruationPeriod, nutrition, ovulationTest, oxygenSaturation, power, respiratoryRate, restingHeartRate, sleepSession, speed, steps, stepsCadence, totalCaloriesBurned, vo2Max, weight, wheelchairPushes
data array[object]
The record to push. This can be an object or array of objects. See for each data type's object structure.
Additional properties are allowed.
curl \
--request PUT{method} \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"data":[{}]}'
"data": [
"success": true,
"message": "string"